

Hello My name is Macey,
Just recently arrived here in Tokyo and have been a minister ,english teacher and yes a fellow christian, Have found it somewhat difficult to get connected w/ any of the aftermentioned, particularly finding a job over here teaching english. Have a friend in Nagoya been thinking about giving that a try. Any suggestions regarding churches or employment.


OMG! I fall off the face of earth (or shall I say Blogdom) for a year or two and what??? You're a MOMMY now :) wow, I need to stay connected more! Congratulations SIT, I'm so happy for you.

In the meantime, it's cold at a witches t#@$! here in Michigan and I need to go get some hot chocolate. Missed your blog so I had to reconnect. See ya 'round!

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I was wondering if you still live in Asia. I'm thinking of trying to teach abroad. Any help would be appreciated.

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don’t know what gastritis is, but I sure as h-e-double-hockeysticks know what bile reflux is. And it’s horrible.


cool :)

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