Takara 'Sista' in Tokyo was created during the Fall of 2003 as a way for me to
share my experiences as an exchange student in Japan.
Fast forward to now and this blog is all about my experiences, discoveries, interests and happenings as a wife, new mother, and entrepreneur trying to figure it all out in this insanely unique, cute, and congested city!
I have lived in Japan for 5 years, I am a southern girl from Alabama and a graduate of Howard University in Washington, D.C. My initial interest in Japan began as a little bitty girl when I
learned the meaning of
my first name was the Japanese word for treasure.
I took a few Japanese classes at HU and decided to take a closer look at the language and culture through a semester abroad during the fall of 2003. My first time leaving the USA was a lot of fun, but I was broke (semesters abroad are NOT cheap!). So, I promised myself I'd return one day and stay for a much longer time... just not as broke as the first time :).
So I applied to the super-fantastic Fulbright Program and was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship in Japan. September 11, 2005 I jetted off the lovely city of Sendai, to be a fully-funded research student at Tohoku University. I researched "The Impact of Higher Education on Japanese Women's Career and Family Choices." It was very insightful and I had a blast!!
Still with me? Wow! Thanks :)
At the conclusion of a fabulous year as a Fulbrighter in Sendai, I decided I wasn't quite ready to return to DC. So I relocated to Tokyo and entered the exciting, super-busy, and cut-throat world of recruitment. I now work as recruiter for web, e-commerce, and digital media companies seeking bilingual talent.
Oh yeah, I met my super-duper handsome and wonderful husband here in 2006 and we are expecting our first child December 2010! To say it's been one heck of a ride would be an understatement. I am extremely blessed, thankful, and in awe at just how amazing God is. My time here has been an amazing journey maturation. So What's this Entrepreneur Stuff About? I think entrepreneurs and people who go after what they want are wonderful! It takes a lot to go beyond your comfort zone and make yourself vulnerable and risk your own capital, but that's exactly what entrepreneurs do. In college, while working in property management, I also began a part-time residential cleaning service to help me save up for my semester abroad. It was a success and I have been executing ideas ever since! I love developing, executing, and growing ideas, it's truly exciting!!! Living in Tokyo, I have access to so much that it would simply be a shame for me not to take my ideas as far as they can go! So, that's what I'm doing! Here's what I've done so far. More Stuff... I love God, my family, reading web and tech start-up blogs, reading mommy blogs, reading wedding blogs, , developing my ideas, insanely cute shoes, pretty stationery, and cooking southern food. Whether you are just
passing through or you are one of my frequent readers, I would love to
hear from you! Feel free to e-mail at tswoopes[at]gmail.com. Thanks for stopping by!
Hello SiT:
My name is Brandi W. I am doing a research paper for my English 95 class at Tacoma Community College in Tacoma, WA. We have to research a place and discuss a common view of the location. Apart of researching this essay, we can interview someone who knows Tokyo, Japan (which is my chosen place). I would like to ask you some of questions of your views on Tokyo's technology advancements. I know you are busy with work and a new marriage, but it would only be 3 to 5 questions. And I could send you my questions through here or e-mail. Whatever suits you. Thank you for taking time to read this. I hope to hear from you soon. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to e-mail me [email protected] or [email protected].
Brandi W.
Posted by: MsInterpret | November 23, 2009 at 10:07 AM
My name is Valerie and I live in the United Kingdom. Your blog is very good and it is nice to read about a sista living, working and married in Japan. I am glad that you followed your dream and the world is a wonderful place. Next month, I will start learning Swedish as I plan to spend some time there. Feel free to email me at anytime. My email address is [email protected]
Posted by: Valerie | January 28, 2010 at 04:37 AM
This is a great blog about life abroad in Japan.
I just started this travel blog for women and I'm collecting photos from women abroad. Submit a photo of yourself in Japan and some tips for other women travelers who are going there, and we'll link back to your blog.
Visit our blog: www.pinkpangea.wordpress.com and get in touch at: [email protected]
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Posted by: Rachel | February 01, 2010 at 12:14 AM
hey been a long time, Looked for an e-mail somewhere but I wasn't sure how to get in touch with you. I noticed that your site still links to my old page, Megaijin. If it's ok with you, I was wondering if you could change that link to my new page?:
Just thought I'd ask because Megaijin will
disappear in a few months.
Posted by: Rick | May 03, 2010 at 06:57 PM
Hi Lil mama Takara,
So glad to read your blog and love the energy you have. Look forward to more chats over lunch! I had no idea you wrote this, so from one entreP to another feel free to share my website with other professionals/mama's who may need personal assistant & errand services. I do wonders in the way of decluttering... Especially mama's=ALL earn an automatic free hour of service.
Talk soon at our networking meetings!
All the best 2 ur family,
Posted by: Cher Mori | September 05, 2010 at 09:28 PM
Hi i just Stumble upon your blog, and wow what great blog you have, you are one heck of a writer.
Posted by: Michael Liu | September 13, 2010 at 08:52 AM
Hi, I just discovered your blog and wow, how awesome! I need to go read some more of course, but there's a lot of good info (and fun stories) here! I'm adding your blog to my Japan blog list, hope that's all right. :D
Posted by: Ashley | October 14, 2010 at 10:36 AM
Hi, I am Emily from Sammy's Baby Clothes. I am also an entrepreneur and have enjoyed reading your blog for a long time now. My latest adventure is my new website www.babyclothes.jp
We sell new and gently used designer baby and children clothing including Sammy's own organic label. We believe that it is the only shop of its kind in Japan in English. Please visit our site and if you think it would be helpful to your readers, please post it on your website.
Thank you for your time.
Posted by: emily | November 02, 2010 at 03:18 PM
Hi Takara,
I was just surfing the net looking for something completely unrelated to Japan and blogs but ended up here! I'm glad I found this! Enjoyed reading your noted moments in life. I see that you are due to have your first child this month so I just wanted to send blessings to you and your husband! Congratulations! I think I will bookmark!
Posted by: Yana | December 03, 2010 at 10:12 AM
Or is he cool, calm, and calculating? Does he radiate irrational self-confidence and exude a certainty of excellence that this world has never seen?
Posted by: Jordans shoes | January 26, 2011 at 11:06 AM
Your blog is a breath of fresh air! I am so happy I found it. You have a beautiful family and a kind heart.
Posted by: Emily-Claire | February 25, 2011 at 12:24 PM
Hi. Just found your blog and I'm loving it. Congrats on the new baby. Keep blogging and I'll keep reading.
Posted by: Johanna | March 10, 2011 at 11:34 PM
Really like the blog, appreciate the share!
Posted by: Harris | April 27, 2012 at 10:06 AM
good thanks :)
Posted by: ukash | March 01, 2013 at 09:12 PM