Lately, everyone has been asking us when we're leaving Japan for good. The plan still hasn't changed :), we're leaving before Baby K is school-aged... probably. Next stop, Hawaii or wherever the Lord leads us.
I realized I rarely share with you the things I love about Japan anymore. Living here has become so regular and normal that I hardly ever feel motivated to share stuff with my folks back home anymore. I'm going to change that by regularly sharing things with you that I like or find interesting here.
On the flip side, when I am back in the US, I am more likely to snap a photo of something of something to share with others when I return to Japan. Funny.
Anyway, I stumbled across a video that just tickles me for a few reasons.
1. It's so cute. It's just makes me say 'kawaiiiii' in my most authentic high-pitched Japanese voice!
2. It's so weird. But, weird things kind of make sense here in a weird sorta way.
3. It's so Japan. I say that because it's one of those songs that you'll hear in a convenience store, on a shopping trip, or if you're lucky, at karaoke with friends.
4. I want an ichigo (strawberry) hat for Baby K, she would look so cute in that!
Now that I've hyped it up, have a looksy :).
It's so cute. It's just makes me say 'kawaiiiii' in my most authentic high-pitched Japanese voice!
Posted by: penny auction | July 30, 2011 at 05:19 PM
The best and worst thing about blogs happen to be the same exact thing; everyone can have one.
Posted by: Polo Outlet Online | September 27, 2011 at 12:53 PM