(Don't you just love the the title of this post?)
Yesterday we celebrated our 3-year anniversary and Baby K's 5 Month birthday! Can't believe I've been a wife for three years, who would have thought? Actually, I would have. But, people often tell me they didn't think I was the marrying type because I was so career-driven. Eh? ;) That just goes to show, just because a young woman is about her business doesn't mean she can't and won't settle down. She's probably waiting patiently for someone who's all about HIS business to come along, so they can handle their business together. Okay, that's enough sentences with 'business' in it, hehehe. You get what I'm saying!
Anywho, our little angel is 5 months old and boy, is she a joy!! Oh how we love her so much! She's an active little something and so cuddly wuddly! Always climbing trying to get somewhere. She smiles and laughs all of the time. She rolls over, and she knows how to use her voice to get anything she wants. Yep, we love her to peices.
1. Received a sweet message on Facebook today from a reader, thanks again ;). It seriously made my day! My readers rock!
2. When we left Tokyo right after the earthquake for Okinawa for a few days, a few of my houseplants died :(. I was pretty bummed about it when I came back. G attempted to nurse them back to life. I replaced two of them, but am desperately trying to nurse two remaining ones back to health. No luck so far.
3. Have to send out Harry and David Thank you baskets to the most generous two people in Alabama. Embarrassed that I haven't already done so. You know who you are!
4. Hey Hey! Mother's day is on it's way! Guess what!!!!! I'm a mother!!!!!!! Seriously missing family right now. Really enjoyed my time in Alabama and visiting family in Oregon. Wish G would have joined us, but it was nice getting to know his family outside of his being there. Felt like I was really a part of the family during this last visit. Yay!
5. In case you missed it, I've been building a web app for the wedding space and we're getting ready to launch soon! It's pretty exciting. Just set up our Facebook Fan page. Be a dear and like the page please!!!! Here's the link: Hitch'd
6. Tokyo is even more lonely, now that many expats are leaving b/c of the quake... boo. Need more friends here. Being home really made me miss being around a lot of people. I love a lot of people :).
7. While in Alabama, Baby K had a photo session with her big cousin! Can't wait to see those photos!!! (She's really liking water bottles these days. They're fascinating to her as you can see.)
8. Wore my hair natural for an entire month and a few weeks. It tired me out. Taking care of natural black hair is hard work. Not to mention styling it! Back in braids and soooooo happy!
Toodles and can't wait to hear from all of you!!!
Posted by: penny auction | July 30, 2011 at 05:19 PM
She is so beautiful. Congrats on your anniversary!
Posted by: Lexy | February 04, 2012 at 10:38 AM
Hi there, just wanted to tell you, I enjoyed this article. It was inspiring. Keep on posting!
Posted by: pirate cake toppers | November 25, 2013 at 03:05 AM