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March 01, 2011



Thanks for posting more photos.. Baby K is so precious.. Look at those legs..and all that hair... What are you going to do with all that hair Kara? Reagans hair is a mess. They should have taught Hair 101 in prenatal class, bc I even get embarrased when I do her hair!

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She's so CUTE!
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OMG I WANT HER! :) I bet you're having the time of your life, aren't you?!?? Can't believe it's been three months already though! WOW!

Tara Kamiya

I would like to know how you are doing with your "baby weight" My sister was very slim like you and she said it is a nightmare to get off. How are you doing so far?
-Tara Kamiya
[email protected]


@Trice, I'm looking forward to doing her hair. Though, I must admit I haven''t had a lot of practice. That little Reagan's hair is just like yours :) so cute. Maybe you could take her to a salon for some tips?

@Christina Yes indeed I am!!! she's my little partner

@Tara I'm pretty much back to my original weight, except my tummy needs major toning!


Takara.. When Reagan was a baby it was no problem, head bands and little clip on bands. But your right her hair is like mine..THICK! Every now and then she goes to her grandparents house, and they will braid it for me or my aunt will do it and I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. When I do her hair her braids are sticking out, parts are not straight! Poor child..Thanks I will take her to my stylist and see what she can do..

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So cute!

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So cute. Happy birthday to her

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You are very lucky to have this very adorable baby. I wish her good health and a good life ahead!

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That's great, at least you've prove that with the use of medicine or just by being natural, you can produce a beautiful offspring.

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