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February 16, 2011



She's just gorgeous!


yea i'm starting to realize why people do it again also. i tried to start using moment garden but i was having problems uploading pics and video. i will try it again today. can a sister get a link to your page though?

Julissa Andrus

Oh Honey! She is GORGEOUS!!! Give that sweet baby a kiss for me! :D


what a gorgeous baby... enjoy this time of life. It flies by.

finally Mom

Oooohmygoodness.Baby K is incredibly, adorably... perfect looking!! I just knew you'd be beyond smitten! : )


Baby K is such a lucky little girl to have such wonderful parents! It makes me happy to read about your new family experiences~ you just radiate happiness, Takara!

Tara Kamiya

She is so cute!! I am due March 16th!!I can't wait. She has a lot of hair, did you have a lot of heartburn?


omg..she's such a cutie just like her mom. I'm visiting your blog after a long time. Been busy with school and life, in general. LOL..Anyway, Congratualations on your baby!!!!! I wish you & your family lots of happiness for years to come!

dell gx270

i have been pleased after reading this blog the knowledge which has been provided via this blog is simply tremendous.
i really appreciate the blogger for doing this work.

Andrezza & Teru

Nice smile, she is gorgeous!!! ^^


what fitness gym do you go to? where do they watch babies? I have a baby myself and would like to work out sometimes

AE from DC

AWE! She's beautiful! Congrats!


Thanks you guys! Yep, I'm totally smitten by her :)

@Jessica I'm pretty much back to my original weight, but I have a little belly pudge that requires some gym attention!

@Tara Yes, I had some heartburn



I found your site on Picket Fence Blogs and I was curious about a mom writing from Tokyo! Congrats on your little girl!

Veronica Samuels :)
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I must say this is a great article i enjoyed reading it keep the good workI must say this is a great article i enjoyed reading it keep the good workI must say this is a great article i enjoyed reading it keep the good workI must say this is a great article i enjoyed reading it keep the good work.

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