Ever since I first expressed initial interest in visiting Japan, I have often been asked the "Why Japan, why not Africa?" question. This question has come from strangers as well as friends who were, for the most part, simply curious to know why I had chosen to visit an Asian country before an African one. I used to be offended by this question, because at times it felt as if the person was attacking my motives (intentionally/unintentionally) for expressing an interest about learning about Japanese culture.
I'm sure you've come across the type. Usually the vegan brothas and sistas with locs and afros who feel as if everyone should eat and think as they do. And if for one moment you just so happen to disagree with their philosophy of life, then they simply write you off as being 'unconscious' and not down for the cause. Well to them I say, "Been there & done that (Freshman & Sophomore year). Have pictures if you'd like to see them."
But seriously, now when I am asked such questions I no longer feel offended. My choice to live in Japan and to research is simply a choice that I made because I wanted my first time outside of the United States to be a tremendous CHALLENGE. And at that time, I felt Japan fit the bill. The people didn't look like, didn't talk like me, didn't act like me, didn't have any connection to me- outside of being human. I wanted to see how I would react when taken outside of my comfort zone. (Now that's not to say that living in a country in Africa won't be a tremendous challenge for me.)
I wanted to post on this particular topic simply because I was recenlty involved in a online forum discussion and this same question came up in the conversation. And the tone that was used, it seemed as if those posing the question felt as if the first stop outside of the United States for black people should be a country in Africa.
So what's my view on this? Well, my view is that there aren't enough African-Americans going abroad... Whether it's to South America, Africa, or Southeast Asia it's imperative for US to get out to both explore and experience the world. As for where you choose to go, that's your personal decision. The most important thing is what you take away from your time away from the US-- or home country.
As for me, I don't view Africa as a short-term visit. I view it as a final destination, or long-term goal, if you will. One day I will be living in Africa and bringing you "Sista in Senegal" or "Sista in Lagos." Until my time comes, Africa may be out of sight, but is NEVER out of mind.
sweetie... it's ever since NOT every since
Posted by: bigsis | February 02, 2006 at 12:41 PM
:) thanks for the correction... I actually know this, however, seem to always overlook it during my editing..
Posted by: Sista in Tokyo | February 02, 2006 at 11:47 PM
You really should be a "sista in Senegal" someday. I was back in 2001. The country is as beautiful as the people.
Posted by: Elle | February 03, 2006 at 09:49 AM
Elle, Thanks for the encouragement :). I am definitely planning on it!
Posted by: SistainTokyo | February 08, 2006 at 03:37 AM
Yo Hold it down where ever you go! people always got something cute to say but seldom few step up to the plate! Hold it down in the rising sun and maybe one day in passing we can share some notes...
Posted by: Naro% | February 11, 2006 at 01:17 AM
I don't agree with u Takara, because I hear you saying one day that before to be out of america you thought that an african and an african american are same. The only difference you said, is that they are in differente country. Then when u came to japan and meet some africans u realise that we are different. I agree with the question "why not africa?". I think before to study other culture you should study your origins, I mean african culture and try to understand why you couldn't comminucate with africans in japan.
Excuse me for my bad english, I hope you understand what I wanted to say.
Posted by: jac. | March 17, 2006 at 02:14 PM
What exactly don't you agree with? My idea that more African-Americans should visit other countries? Or my idea that visiting another country first before a country in Africa is ok?
I do recall having a conversation with you in which I told you that it is often difficult for me to communicate with african men here in Sendai- you being one of them. And I totally agree with you that people should try to learn their history and understand where they come from. Simply being in Japan actually encourages me to want to go to Africa more.
However, the point of my post was to shine light on those who are black and who feel that blacks going to countries outside of Africa first, are wrong for doing so. I don't agree with that.
Posted by: Sista in Tokyo | March 17, 2006 at 08:35 PM
Oh my gosh, finally I found something on an African-Americans' experience in Japan. My mother is African-American and my father is half Chinese-half Cambodian, and I've always been interested with my "Asian side" and Japan just seems like a wonderful place to go study abroad. I'm a high school Junior and have started to look into colleges. I just need some guidance on how to study in Japan, for example "How did you get accepted into the college you attend now in Japan?" Any advice/feedback would be nice. I understand that your a student in college and more than likely your very busy, but whenever you can I would like to hear something from you.
([email protected])
Posted by: kristen fujin | March 26, 2006 at 12:23 PM
Takara, I totally agree with you about Africa being more like a final destination. It's the same way with me too. I've been aching to get out of the U.S. and had started searching for a non white, economically stable, and technologically advanced country to migrate to. I fell in love the Japanese language so I've decided to go live in Japan for educational reasons and also travel in South Korea for musical interests. Then after I've done all I need to do in Asia I'll go to Africa. Most likely Ghana. I think it's good for African-Americans to want to go to Africa but it doesn't have to be a straight course from the U.S. to an African country. It's okay to have pit stops in between. We need to go out and see the world and let the world see the real us which is most often contrary to what gets exported from the U.S. media. I also feel like I can't go to Africa and not have something to offer. I'm only 19 and need to develop skills and trades. I don't want to go to college in the U.S. cuz as I said I'm aching to get out so I think going to Japan will be a good experience for me.
By the way I'm lovin' your blog. Thanks for keepin us informed on your black experience in Japan. Looking forward to reading more.
Posted by: Shadeh | April 25, 2006 at 12:23 PM
Hi! I love your blog. I'm African-American, and I love studying world cultures and world religion; my favorite culture besides African is Japanese. I'm re-learning hiragana, katakana, and kanji so that I can read Japanese better than I'm doing so. I even had a friend in Japan mail me some manga books as well. I'm finally glad to see another sista blog about her experiences in Japanese society since we don't have too many of them out there doing so. Keep up the good work.
Posted by: Aisha | May 22, 2006 at 03:40 AM
Hi! there , first I have to say I love your blog!.It's nive to find some other black woman has interess in an asian country. I'm from Angola , but I've been living in Portugal since I was a "baby", and (maybe for that reson ) I'm very open to the idea of travelling and discover diferent countries and cultures. I've always been fascinated by asian design and architecture... but more recently I had the oportunity to be more in contact with Japonese and Korean culture, and I love it , I found it really rich !... And so I was very happy to find out, that you also had this interest and also that you had the courage to take the next step and actually visit and stay in the country !Bravo !!! really something ! Well now I'll keep visiting your blog and also enjoy your experiece in Japan!! Matare!! ^_^
Posted by: Lavinia | September 28, 2008 at 10:17 PM
You remind me of myself. I'm African-Caribbean woman born in Zimbabwe living in Canada with an affinity for cultures & travel. I've been to Egypt, Israel & Palestine & I've been accused for wanting to be arab and of not travelling to "black" Africa. I love my home, Africa, & recognize the importance of self-awareness through understanding ur roots but one should not limit themselves to their place of origin. The world in its vastness should be explored by all. Keep up the blog!
Posted by: Sai | November 10, 2008 at 12:26 PM
Hi there!
I am an 24 year old year old African American woman traveling solo to Japan in a couple of weeks. I have done a ton of research and met a wide variety of people in Japan but have not yet met another African American. It is not my sole intent to find other African Americans once I get out there but I felt it was one piece of a puzzle which might be missing.
I came across your blog on the web and thought I would reach out in hopes that you could offer some helpful suggestions on traveling in Japan and maybe share some of your favorite places.
Posted by: Megan Coates | August 03, 2009 at 08:18 AM
Hi Takara, i recently stumbled across your site and i must say it is truly an inspiration for young women who want to experience something different than the beaten path.I am currently going into my last year of school but I've always wanted to work in a foreign country at least for a period of time preferably Japan. After university i would love to go to law school take the bar and so on. but do you see much opportunity for foreign lawyers in Japan?
Posted by: hyperlatte | July 06, 2010 at 04:13 AM